> I then used VIM to capitalize the text since ordinary regex does not have
> that ability.
> For those that can't see the code I posted, it is visible in VIM's forum.
Ah, you're posting through Nabble which doesn't seem to pass
along the HTML to the official Vim list (vim@vim.org, mirrored at
Pulling in the source from the URL in your Nabble email I get the
> This post was updated on .
> I would like to capitalize the words, "Narrator (v.o.)" between the paragraph tags below:
> <P STYLE="margin-left: 2in; margin-bottom: 0in">Narrator
> (v.o.)</P>
> I need to keep the entire tag as shown. For example, other tags have a margin of 1in, and I don't want to capitalize between them.
> Another issue is the hard return after "Narrator". Some of the lines in my HTML file have no return such as the line below:
> <P STYLE="margin-left: 2in; margin-bottom: 0in">Aristobulus</P>
> Thanks for your help!
> I'm slowly figuring this out:
> I've successfully capitalized the following example:
> Before code:
> <P ALIGN=CENTER>Narrator (v.o.)</P>
> After code:
> Code used:
> :%s:\(<P ALIGN=CENTER>\)\(.*\)\(<\):\1\U\2\3:g
> I attempted the same for
> <P STYLE="margin-left: 2in; margin-bottom: 0in">Aristobulus</P>
> But, it gave me an error.
You don't give the error or the command you gave, so it's hard to
track down what went wrong. I'd try something like
:%s/\c<P style="[^"]*2in[^"]*"[^>]*>\zs\_[^<]*\ze</\U&/g
It has odd edge-cases where you might have nested tags, but it
should handle most of the cases.
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