Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Colours in the statusline

Hi, I'm trying to tune a bit my statusline. I have added these lines:

set noruler
set laststatus=2

hi User1 guifg=#eea040 guibg=#222222
hi User2 guifg=#dd3333 guibg=#222222
hi User3 guifg=#ff66ff guibg=#222222
hi User4 guifg=#a0ee40 guibg=#222222
hi User5 guifg=#eeee40 guibg=#222222

set statusline=
set statusline +=%1*\ %n\ %*  
set statusline +=%5*%{&ff}%*
set statusline +=%3*%y%*
set statusline +=%4*\ %<%F%*
set statusline +=%2*%m%*
set statusline +=%1*%=%5l%*
set statusline +=%2*/%L%*
set statusline +=%1*%4v\ %*
set statusline +=%2*0x%04B\ %*

vim displays properly the content of the line, but does not take into account the colours. However gvim does. I attach two screen captures to show what I mean.

What do you think it's going on here?

Juan José Gómez-Navarro

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