Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Re: Still having different pwd for different windows

I only skimmed this thread, but surprisingly, no one seems to have brought up the issue of netrw. Whenever you browse a directory in a window, netrw executes an :lcd command in that window, so that it's CWD is different from the rest of the windows. Now that is actually a perfectly sensible thing for netrw to do if g:netrw_keepdir == 0. However, netrw *always* does it, even if g:netrw_keepdir == 1 (the default, meaning "don't change the CWD"). It drives me nuts.

On Sunday, April 28, 2013 4:36:17 PM UTC-7, AndyHancock wrote:
> I posted previously about the fact that pwd returns different
> directories for different windows. I was pointed to autochdir, in
> particular:
> verbose set autochdir?
> which always returns noautochdir.
> I already have noautochdir in my vimrc, and the above command
> indicates that netrw was last to set the autochdir option.
> The problem is sporadic enough that it isn't clear to me that I will
> ever be able to figure out how/when autochdir is being set (if it is).
> As an alternative to tracking this down, is there a way to prevent
> autochdir from being set at all? I mean even if a plugin or function
> somehwere issues a command to set autochdir, I want [g]vim to be
> incapable of complying.

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