Wednesday, February 26, 2014

??? mozcpp filetype ???

I notice a syntax/mozcpp.vim script in my $VIM/vimfiles tree, and the
appropriate auxiliary files to recognise that filetype (statements in
$VIM/filetype/filetype.vim for C++ sources in or below my Mozilla source
repositories) and treat it otherwise as C++ (ftplugin/mozcpp.vim does
nothing other than "runtime! ftplugin/cpp.vim").

This looks useful to colorize Mozilla extensions to C++ properly
(including e.g. many keywords with names starting with PR, NS_ or ns),
but I can't remember where I got it from, or how to update it. Any help
please? The syntax script is dated 2011-07-22.

Best regards,
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
91. It's Saturday afternoon in the middle of may and you are on computer.

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