Friday, February 28, 2014

Re: Dumb question: variables in the statusline

On Feb 27, 2014 9:55 PM, "Benjamin Klein" <> wrote:
> On Feb 27, 2014, at 11:42 AM, Charles Campbell <> wrote:
> > * Could you give us the new exe line you're using to set the statusline?
> Right now it's
> execute "setlocal statusline=" . status
> where `status` is the string returned by the function.
> > * What does   :echo &l:stl  show ?
> The function which is supposed to get the status line begins the string with the a:1, and then appends %= and the rest of the line to that. &l:stl, after I get the error, is the a:1 (message) passed to the function. Everything from that =% onward is being left out.
> > * You're passing a:1 to exe; perhaps it should be escaped, too:  ... fnameescape(a:1) ...
> A good idea -- thanks. (It hasn't seemed to affect this situation though, sadly.)

Don't use :execute and incorrect escaping. The following should work:

    let &l:statusline='%!FunctionFromWhichIAmTryingToGetAStatusline('.string(a:1).')'

Function fnameescape() has other purpose and it must not be used to escape strings for statusline.

I am not sure how this would deal with some special characters though: those below 0x20 and %. They should not cause trouble AFAIK, but I may be wrong.

> Ben
> --
> b
> Sent from my iPhone
> --
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