Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Re: Need help about CompilerSet errorformat

> > CompilerSet errorformat=%EError\ on\ line\ %l\ in %f:\ Column\ %c:,%Z%m
> However, the errorformat can't recognize the error message output by the
> Inno Setup compiler. The example error message is (two lines per error):
You need multilen error format descriptions.
:h errorformat

=> javac sample

:setl efm=%A%f:%l:\ %m,%-Z%p^,%-C%.%#

See docs for
%A start of a multi-line message (unspecified type)
%C continuation of a multi-line message

Thus try somethingc like this (untested)

%A%f:,%CColumn\ %l:,%Z%m

mind the \ before the space.

Marc Weber

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