Thursday, February 27, 2014

Re: Windows 7 & temporary files

Apologies for the slow reply: must have missed the email notification. Realise I'm not painting a good picture of my attention to detail...

On Friday, 21 February 2014 19:11:09 UTC, Ben Fritz wrote:
> For the diff problem, you may have an old diffexpr hanging around with an outdated workaround for stupid cmd.exe quoting rules. Vim's handling of quoting on Windows was improved between 7.3 and 7.4 to work in more situations, but it also breaks some of the old workarounds. Installing a Vim version >= 7.4.103 will have a corrected diffexpr within the _vimrc created by the installer. Or, I pasted it in a superuser answer here:

Installing 7.4.103 using the Cream installer sorted my diff issues as you predicted: thanks.

> For the temp files problem, as I mention in a reply to your post on the issue tracker, the 'directory' setting ought to have fixed it. If it doesn't, it's possible you were relying on workarounds for issues fixed by the default values of 'shellxquote', etc. Can you see the problems if you launch Vim with "gvim -N -u NONE -i NONE"?

Having used the 7.4.103 installer & seen diff working, I've tried rolling back to a situation where I could replicate both the diff & the temp issues (changing environment variables back to standard Windows 7 user\appdata\ folder, uninstalling 7.4.103, rebooting, reinstalling from the standard 7.4 executable, leaving the _vimrc as per vanilla install, changing UAC to notify once more), and I could replicate the diff issue but not the sort/temp file issue (whether running with the NONE options you suggest, or as standard). With the 7.4 install, as I'm sure you'd expect, shellquotex& was being set in _vimrc, but I would have said I'd reverted to the problem state with the changes listed in parentheses above.

In short, thanks for pointing to the answer: that got me the Cream installer that appears to have resolved my issues. If you do want me to make any further attempts at replication, I'd be quite happy to, but it seems a version change has it sorted anyway.

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