Saturday, February 22, 2014

Re: Syntax Highlighting Question

On 22/02/14 14:31, J S wrote:
> On Friday, February 21, 2014 8:59:39 AM UTC-5, J S wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am wondering why my syntax highlighting is not working on a particular machine.
>> I am executing the following:
>> 1. vim (enter into vim with certain scripts and plugins)
> I further tested and observed the same unexpected behavior with vim -N -u NONE -i NONE . The vim version is 7.4.1.
>> 2. :syntax clear (remove all the existing syntax info)
>> 3. :syntax case ignore (treat [a-z] as [a-zA-Z])
>> 3. :syntax match option "^[a-z][a-z ]*[a-z]$"
>> (match each line which starts with a lower (or upper)-case letter, ends with a lower (or upper)-case letter, and contains, in between, (0 or more characters picked from the set: {lower (or upper)-case letters, space}).)
>> 4. :highlight link option statement (colorize text which matches option with statement-color-scheme).
>> 5. I am typing in insert-mode in the current buffer - foobaz (this matches)
>> 6. I hit the enter key to go to the next line.
>> 7. I am typing in the current buffer - FOOBAZ (this erroneously does not match).
>> I am wondering why my step 7 is not producing the expected syntax highlighting result.
>> This code idea comes from the man ftplugin. Something in it wasn't working on a particular machine which led me to where I am now.
> It also happens on a different machine with vim version 7.4.182, the expected behavior occurs (the display issue does not occur). It's possible the display issue was fixed between patch 1 (syntax-highlight-display-issue machine version) and patch 182.
>> Thanks.

The latest patch is at the moment 7.4.183, and is for the MSVC makefile,
so if you aren't on Windows, or if you are on Windows but don't use
MSVC, you should be up-to-date.

If you want to know what all those patches are about, you can type (in
Vim or gvim with a [._]vimrc present, plugins not disabled, and while
connected to the Internet)


That file contains a one-line description of every patch to date,
starting at 7.4.001.

However this fix could be somewhere in a runtime file, in which case it
is not necessarily mentioned in a patch. If you have a Mercurial clone
(see )
you could do "hg diff -r v7-4-001 -r v7-4-182 | view -" (at the *sh or
cmd.exe prompt, and without the quotes) to see everything that changed
between 7.4.001 and 7.4.182 but that will probably be more than you can
digest at one gulp. (The "| view -" part is of course optional but IMHO
Vim makes a nice pager for this kind of output — and it is so bulky that
you'll need a pager of some kind.)

Best regards,
The King named Oedipus Rex
Who started this fuss about sex
Put the world to great pains
By the spots and the stains
Which he made on his mother's pubex.

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