Tuesday, February 25, 2014

How to edit a macro?

Dear Vim experts,

after recording a macro I realized that I forgot to specify the
register I yanked into.

The macro in register q was


and matches lines like the following line 1
1 light <- c( 'GO:1234567',
2 'GO:7162635', 'GO:4536271',
3 'GO:7654321' )

the macro yanks everything up to, and including, line 3.

The problem is, that I want to specify the register the content is yanked to.
So I tried

:let @q='/^[^#].*<-.*GO:\d\{7\}^M"Gy/)^M'

But the ^M form a problem. The macro is not executed correctly.

Does anyone know how to solve this?


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