Saturday, February 22, 2014

Re: When starting gvim with command line arguments it needs a keypress before showing the file content, why?

On Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 12:48:45PM +0100, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> On 22/02/14 10:23, William Robertson wrote:
> >You just made me check how to specify a search when opening a file, which I've wondered how to do for a while - thanks!
> >
> >gvim +/pattern
> >
> >seems to work nicely, with no prompt/keypress.
> >

> Ben Fritz's counsel to set 'cmdheight' to 2 or more is a good one
> anyway, because there are many circumstances in which Vim will (try
> to) display two lines of messages in the command-line area.

> I have

> if &cmdheight < 2
> set cmdheight=2
> endif

> in my vimrc for this reason (and the "if" wrapper to allow a higher
> value to be set on the command-line).

another thing which can easily be overlooked in this context is adding
'I' to the 'shortmess' option in your .vimrc -- see

:help shortmess
:help :intro

for a more complete explanation

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