Monday, February 24, 2014

Re: From 7.4.135 to 7.4.182 now leaves backup files behind

On Monday, February 24, 2014 4:48:10 PM UTC-6, Ti Strga wrote:
> I've been happily using 7.4.135 under Cygwin on Windows 7 since its
> release. Today I installed (via Cygwin's own "setup.exe"
> pseudo-package-manager) 7.4.182, and started running into problems.
> Specifically, after editing files, I'm find Vim swap/backup/something
> files left behind. They're binary files that start with "VIM", and
> they all follow the same naming scheme: for file FOO, they're left
> behind in ".FOO.un~".
> Nothing in my .vimrc has changed. Both "backup" and "writebackup" are
> off on the computer in question. I tried editing with -Vtest, but the
> "test" file didn't have any particular error messages or other output
> (lots and lots of chdirs....).
> Reverting to 7.4.135 makes the spurious swap/backup/?? files go away.
> I looked through and none
> of the entries between 135 and 182 jumped out at me as obvious
> candidates for what's changed. I'm expecting that this is something I
> can work around in my .vimrc, once I know what's causing it:
> - what are the .un~ files?
> - what vim settings control them?
> - what changed in the latest patches to toggle the behavior?

Those are "undo files". They store your undo tree when you exit Vim, so that when you go back into Vim, undo/redo is still available for that file.

This is the "persistent undo" feature of Vim introduced in 7.4.

What might have changed? The vimrc_example.vim file distributed with Vim changed recently to turn the 'undofile' option on. You are probably sourcing that file in your own vimrc.

You can either turn off 'undofile' to make these files go away, or you can use the 'undodir' option to control where they get saved.

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