Friday, February 28, 2014

Re: Cannot edit remote file via ftp

Lucas Sanner wrote:
> Ok, this is the debugging trace file (without passwords).
> The steps I did are:
> - Connect to my remote server via ftp
> - Log in
> - Attempt to enter a directory by pressing Enter
> - Attempt to edit a file by pressing Enter
> That's all.
> I hope you will be able to detect what's wrong.
> Thanks

It seems that you typed:

vim ftp://datamigo@

but there is no directory or file named "myweb" on that system; there is
a directory named joomlight-3.x and a file named test.php, but its under
the home directory, not myweb.

You then selected joomlight-3.x with a <cr>; this resulted in netrw
trying ftp with:

vim ftp://datamigo@

Of course, since there's no directory called "myweb", there's no
directory called "myweb/joomlight-3.x" either.

You then selected test.php with a <cr>; this resulted in netrw trying
ftp with:

vim ftp://datamigo@

Again, there is no myweb directory, and so there's no myweb/test.php file.

However, netrw should issue a message about this problem, so please try
v151f which does so.


C Campbell

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