Sunday, February 23, 2014

Negated autocmd filetype match

I have a function that strips trailing whitespace on save. In my .vimrc I have the line

autocmd BufWritePre * if &ft =~ 'sh\|perl\|python\....' | :call <SID>StripTrailingWhitespaces() | endif

What I would like is to negate that into matching everything but "condition".

This works OK for known filetypes:

autocmd BufWritePre * if &ft !=# 'text' | :call <SID>StripTrailingWhitespaces() | endif

but I also want to match when filetype is not set. I have tried various with no luck.

I was also advised to use:

autocmd FileType * if <amatch> !=# 'text' | ...

but can't see how that is correct, nor can I get it to work.

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