Wednesday, February 26, 2014

fixing mistakes in the command line

a lot of time ago, I copied these lines in my vimrc to fix some common mistakes:

nnoremap :W :w
nnoremap :Q :q
nnoremap :E :e

I don't remember where I took this suggestions, but it worked. Now I see I type a lot of times ":ag" instead of ":Ag", however as soon I started to add this new mapping I asked myself if this is really the correct way to deal with this kind of task... I searched on google for some better suggestions, but usually searching about vim's command line finds articles on starting vim from shell with arguments... -________-
In any case even further searches found nothing, so I'm asking here if someone knows what would be the correct way to "auto-fix" mistakes in the command line.

thanks in advance!

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