Sunday, February 2, 2014

Re: regular expression blindness

On 2014-02-02 19:17, Erik Christiansen wrote:
> On 01.02.14 08:23, Tim Chase wrote:
> > 2) if you just want to search, you can use the more complex
> > pattern
> >
> > /^\(\.\/\)\@!
> Yebbut, that's nearly 50% backslashes, so hard to read through the
> picket fence. In less obsolete syntax it is:
> /\v^(\.\/)@!

50%...that's only a 9-10% reduction in total length ;-)
(granted, it will amortize as the number of escaped characters grows
longer; and depending on the way of searching, the "/" doesn't always
need to be escaped)

> Now if Vim had a config option to preset "\v" (posix ERE), then
> we'd be in the 21st century at last.

That breaks enough plugins and existing muscle memory that I'm fairly
certain it will never happen. It's muscle memory that has me stuck.
I still get stung going to other RE engines (sed, awk, and
JavaScript/PCREs) as I have to translate from my day-to-day Vim
syntax to the syntax(es) that others find natural.


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