Saturday, February 1, 2014

Re: regular expression blindness

On 2014-02-01 12:41, wrote:
> Hi,
> sorry, this may be a very stupdi question (tm) but...
> I try to find an error-line in a very longis tar output log
> (and do later some editing with it). By the way...I am doing this
> on Linux...:)
> Except for the error reporting line all lines start with '\.\/' but
> I dont know it contents. Searching for 'error' gives me be far to
> many hits from regular files (listed in the log).
> So...I am trying to find any line NOT starting with '\.\/' (dot
> slash).
> I can invert a singe character with [^c] (meaning anything not 'c')
> and I can NOT find alternatives...
> But how can I NOT find a sepecific sequence of characters at the
> beginning of a line?

You have a couple options that occur to me:

1) if you can delete the content, just use :v instead of :g making it


2) if you just want to search, you can use the more complex pattern


which asserts that the stuff in the \(...\) is not fount ("\@!") at
the beginning of the line.


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