Friday, August 19, 2016

Annoying "smart" indentation


I've been using vim for ages, and always carry my vimrc file around from system to system and through reinstalls. Since my last reinstall (arch linux, with gvim 7.4.2143-1) indentation has been acting up. Not sure if it's a change within vim itself, or applied by arch linux, but I now have automatic addition of tabs. For instance, when typing:

void test() <ENTER>

After the enter, vim will insert a new tab, which it never did before.
My vimrc looks like this:

:set nocompatible
:syntax on
:set nu
:set iminsert=0
:set imdisable
:set noswf
:set ts=4
:set shiftwidth=4
:set autoindent
:set bs=2

As per the documentation, I tried adding "filetype indent off" at the end, to no effect. I can turn off that annoying "feature" on a per-file basis by doing:

:set indentexpr=

But I have to do it for every single file I open, which is beyond annoying.

Would there be a way to make this global? I tried adding the line to vimrc, but it has no effect.

Thank you,

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