On Mon, Aug 8, 2016 at 12:11 AM, Marc Weber <marco-oweber@gmx.de> wrote:
:h search() -> there is an option to not change cursor position or such
is an option as well
Just to add to the above point, to check if the pattern is in current line, you either do:
let match_line = search('<patt>', 'cnW')
if match_line == line('.')"Do somethingendif
or can even form a complex search pattern, like
let match_line = search('\%'.line('.').'l<patt>', 'c')
..where the cursor is placed at the match if "match_line" is non-zero. "\%<line-num>l" is a special pattern to look for a match on a specific line. There are other variants too, see
:help \%l
Another tip, almost always, you want to use ":normal!" (with a !) inside a function, instead of ":normal". The former would not use mappings (:map) for the characters following it.
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