Thursday, August 11, 2016

Re: Opening file as arbitrary type

Looks like it's basically a zip archive of photos. See:

:h zip-extension

for how to make vim unzip the archive.

On 11 August 2016 at 19:04, Ven Tadipatri <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to open a nar file with vim. When I open zip files, vim
> gives me a nice view of all the files, where I can view any of the
> entries in the zip file. Is there some way I can give a command line
> argument to vim to tell it to treat file as a zip file? After
> opening up the nar file, I tried doing :set filetype=zip, but that
> didn't work either. Is there some command I can issue after the file
> is opened to treat the buffer contents as a viewable zip file?
> Thanks,
> Ven
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