Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Re: Create Autocompletion snippets for Custom Code

Thanks Luc.

I am looking into that. I am beginner/intermediate level of Vim user. And I find it really hard to add my own custom snippet in the mu-template. Can you give me some ideas of how to add simple snippets.

For example

I would like to add the following for the trigger `openr`.

OPENR, unit, filename, /GET_LUN

cursor here

CLOSE, unit
FREE_LUN, unit

On Tuesday, August 23, 2016 at 4:51:11 PM UTC-5, Luc Hermitte wrote:
> Hi
> > Is it possible to create your own autocompletion snippets using Vim
> > functionalities or plugin? I have several custom code that I would
> > like to create snippet for. I am using GVim on Windows. Most of
> > existing autocomplete plugins like NeoComplete or YouCompleteMe etc
> > do not work well on Windows. I am looking for something Vim native
> > to do this.
> There exist several template expander plugins that work on Window. mu-template is one of them. It's indeed 100% native (i.e. written only in viml).
> ->
> If you want a smart completion, its internal completion function is available in lh-vim-lib
> (it has been inspired from YCM equivalent feature ; see regarding its birth)
> You'll find examples of use within mu-template code base and in the accompanying documentation.
> HTH,
> --
> Luc Hermitte

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