Friday, August 19, 2016

Help with nmap repeat

I love NERDCommenter, and I'm using vsvim in Visual Studio 2015 which unfortunately doesn't support plugins. I want to define some keyboard mappings to replicate some barebones NERDCommenter functionality, like to comment a single line:

nmap ,cc I//<esc><down> " Insert a c++ style // leading comment

(note I use ",cc" as my leader key for commenting)

and that mapping works great for one line. But if I try to repeat the command for several lines, e.g. "5,cc" then it will just comment the same line 5 times. It appears that the "5" modifier is applied only to "I//" while the "<esc><down>" part is only executed once.

Does anyone know of a way around this, so that "5,cc" will comment 5 successive lines rather than commenting one line 5 times?


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