Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Re: Vim 8 pre-announcement

On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 02:11:03PM +0300, LCD 47 wrote:
> On 17 August 2016, Bryan Richter <> wrote:
> [...]
> > In summary, every plugin I use today is not compatible with
> > 'packages'.
> [...]
> All plugins are compatible with packages. You just need to move
> them from where you used to put them.

Ok, I've seen some of the poor leaps I was making. Current packages
are, in fact, compatible with 'packages'. Proof:

With pathogen:

mkdir -p ~/.vim/bundle
cd !$
for p in $packages; do
git clone $package

With packages:

for p in $packages; do
mkdir -p ~/.vim/pack/$package/start
cd !$
git clone $package

What is still true, however, is that any package designed for
'packages' will be incompatible with all current plugin managers,
since they are unaware of the start/opt subdirectories.

Newer versions of the managers can, of course, be modified to support
both old- and new-style packages — but it's still a little unfortunate
that there will be such a thing as "old- and new-style packages".

I retract my shock and horror and ask that it be replaced with a
passing dismay.


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