Saturday, August 27, 2016

opinion: 'set showmatch'?

I'm in the process of relooking at my .vimrc, and I remember years ago
coming across this recommendation to do 'set sm', to help reduce
errors when typing brackets. IIRC, this was really helpful back then,
because there was no other way to see the matching LP when typing an
RP without 'set sm'.

But now playing with my settings, it appears that somewhere along the
way, vim added "highlight match" to its behaviour, and now without
'set sm', I can see the matching LP when typing an RP. So I'm just
wondering: what do folks thinking about 'set sm'?

On another note, how do I tweak the colour (both foreground, and
background) of the highlight?


He who settles on the idea of the intelligent man as a static entity
only shows himself to be a fool.

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