Saturday, August 27, 2016

Re: P in Vim for windows won't put before a cursor...

On Saturday, August 27, 2016 at 2:41:31 PM UTC-5, Don Cichot wrote:
> I'm really frustrated a and confused...
> Everywhere writes that how a "big P
> or p puts a yanked content before
> cursor..." BUT I've seen some Mac
> Vim tutorials and there when you
> Put yanked content it was placed
> before space that is before a word
> and in windows that is inside a
> word for a little p an JUST before
> word with a big P...
> My question is... how to make a
> windows Vim behave more likely as
> a Mac version of Vim...
> And esspecialy, how to make "P" in
> windows behave as a "P" in a Mac
> version?

Can you give an example? For me it works exactly as expected in Windows, and has for years.

With text "abc 123", if I put the cursor on the '1' and press P, I will paste just before the 1. If I press 'p' instead, I will paste just after the 1.

Is this what you expect? If not, what do you expect and why? If so, what actually happens?

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