Monday, August 8, 2016

Re: VimScript tips needed

> if ( line ) {
> if ( line =~ a:pattern ) {
> # do something
> }
> else {
> # do something else
> }
> }
> }
> endfun
> FindPattern( '=>\\s?{' )

I feel like I'm breaking some rule by posting here without my name being some form of Mark. :)

No offence, but this code is riddled with syntax errors. You're using c like syntax instead of vimscript. Here's a cleaned up version:

function FindPattern( pattern )
let line = getline('.')

if ( line =~ a:pattern )
" do something
" do something else

"And the regex needs a little bit of work too:

call FindPattern( '=>\s\?{' )

I would probably use '=>\s*{' but either could work depending on the situation.

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