Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Re: Vim 8 pre-announcement

Hello Bram,

On 8/16/2016 6:43 PM, Bram Moolenaar wrote:

> Hello Vim users,
> Work on Vim 8.0 is coming close to an end. I hope version 8.0 can be
> released in about two weeks.
> This is a last chance to modify new features in a way that is not
> backwards compatible. Once 8.0 is out we can't make changes that would
> break plugins.
> An overview of new features can be found in:
> A version with links (but a day older):
> Please review the new features, try them out and report what should be
> changed on the vim-dev maillist. Of course you should also report bugs
> you find.
> Happy Vimming!
> PS. If you are interested in meeting Vim users: Vimfest is happening in
> Berlin Sept. 16-18.

I was wondering whether you could also include into Vim 8 the following patch
(the original reason for pull request,
which you can reject, since the langmap part doesn't seem to have a chance in, anyway)
The behavior this patch tries to achieve is given by the test case in the patch.

diff --git src/getchar.c src/getchar.c
index 1c170cc..ce68a2f 100644
--- src/getchar.c
+++ src/getchar.c
@@ -2144,12 +2144,15 @@ vgetorpeek(int advance)
* Only consider an entry if the first character
* matches and it is for the current state.
- * Skip ":lmap" mappings if keys were mapped.
if (mp->m_keys[0] == c1
&& (mp->m_mode & local_State)
- && ((mp->m_mode & LANGMAP) == 0
- || typebuf.tb_maplen == 0))
+ /* && ((mp->m_mode & LANGMAP) == 0 ||
typebuf.tb_maplen == 0)
+ * Used to skip ":lmap" mappings for keymap'ed
keys here,
+ * but the result of the keymap is not placed in
the register,
+ * so the register content needs to be remapped
+ */
+ )
int nomap = nolmaplen;
diff --git src/testdir/test_digraph.vim src/testdir/test_digraph.vim
index 9550085..3578ced 100644
--- src/testdir/test_digraph.vim
+++ src/testdir/test_digraph.vim
@@ -450,6 +450,20 @@ func! Test_loadkeymap()

+func! Test_registerkeymap()
+ if !has('keymap')
+ return
+ endif
+ new
+ set keymap=russian-jcukenwin
+ set iminsert=1
+ call feedkeys("qqods\<esc>qdd@q", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal("вы", getline('.'))
+ " reset keymap and encoding option
+ set keymap=
+ bw!
func! Test_digraph_cmndline()
" Create digraph on commandline
" This is a hack, to let Vim create the digraph in commandline mode

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