Monday, August 8, 2016

Re: VimScript tips needed

2016-08-08 20:44 GMT+03:00 Arun <>:
> On Mon, Aug 8, 2016 at 12:11 AM, Marc Weber <> wrote:
>> :h search() -> there is an option to not change cursor position or such
>> is an option as well
> Just to add to the above point, to check if the pattern is in current line,
> you either do:
> let match_line = search('<patt>', 'cnW')

search() is affected by &ignorecase, &smartcase and (!)&magic. So it ought to be

let match_line = search('\C\m<patt>', 'cnW')

> and..
> if match_line == line('.')

`==#`, not `==`. Do not use such operators for string comparison.

> "Do something
> endif
> or can even form a complex search pattern, like
> let match_line = search('\%'.line('.').'l<patt>', 'c')
> ..where the cursor is placed at the match if "match_line" is non-zero.
> "\%<line-num>l" is a special pattern to look for a match on a specific line.
> There are other variants too, see
> :help \%l
> Another tip, almost always, you want to use ":normal!" (with a !) inside a
> function, instead of ":normal". The former would not use mappings (:map) for
> the characters following it.
> --Arun
> --
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