Thursday, August 18, 2016

Re: Vim 8 pre-announcement

Roland Puntaier wrote:

> I was wondering whether you could also include into Vim 8 the following patch
> (the original reason for pull request,
> which you can reject, since the langmap part doesn't seem to have a chance in, anyway)
> The behavior this patch tries to achieve is given by the test case in
> the patch.

This is the wrong solution, it is not backwards compatible and will
cause problems.

The todo list mentions the right solution:

- in vgetorpeek() apply langmap to the typeahead buffer and put the result in
a copy-buffer, only when langmap is appropriate for the current mode. Then
check for mapping and let gotchars() work on the copy-buffer.
- Remove LANGMAP_ADJUST() in other parts of the code. Make sure the mode is
covered by the above change.
So that replaying the register doesn't use keymap/langmap and still does the
same thing.

I know this is much more difficult to implement, but we should not
include a bad hack for that reason.

If you put 7 of the most talented OSS developers in a room for a week
and asked them to fix a bug in a spreadsheet program, in 1 week
you'd have 2 new mail readers and a text-based web browser.

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