Thursday, August 18, 2016

Re: what does & mean in the vim command?

thanks alot Tony...
i am trying to figure it out.. i am kinda new to vim thats why ...
when i keep the f in that map command the whole map don't work and vim do nothing .. but when i remove the f it just works right way even get stranger .. after i put back the f .. it works again until i change something in the map .. it then keeps doing the old map behavior until i remove the f again .
for example ..
nnoremap <silent> <F6>f :!firefox '' &<CR> ... won;'t work right aways
it needs to be like this
nnoremap <silent> <F6> :!firefox '' &<CR>

but after that if i put the f again its keeps working .. i.e opening firefox
nnoremap <silent> <F6>f :!firefox '' &<CR>

but if i changed this to that
nnoremap <silent> <F6>f :!firefox '' &<CR> ... it keeps opening the local host page' the old map vlaue' and ignores the new changes ..
to force it to work i need to remove the f and make my change
.. i hope i described the problem right ... forgive my confusion

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