Saturday, August 13, 2016

Re: How does one load plugin-specific settings after a plugin with the new packages feature?

Ben Fritz wrote:

> > > Previously, when I installed a plugin, I could set up mappings to that plugin's functionality by putting commands in ~/vimfiles/after/plugin/someplugin_maps.vim
> > >
> > > Now with packages, this no longer works, because loading plugins is done as with ":runtime! plugin/**/*.vim" BEFORE loading packages.
> > >
> >
> > [SNIP] I think it's fine to go through 'runtimepath' twice, once to use
> > entries that don't end in "after", then load packages and then load the
> > entries ending in "after".
> >
> > Is that not too weird?
> >
> I'll use whatever is intuitive and implemented. :-)

This has been implemented and nobody complained. That usually means it
works well.

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