Sunday, January 30, 2011

Re: Help, please

On 01/29/11 19:07, Ed Bradford wrote:
> I use DropBox. I edit a file on computer "A" and FORGET to
> exit vim. Now on computer "B", the .swp file prevents me from
> editing. I know I can ignore and just to go computer. However,
> VIM and DropBox could solve my problem by having an option to
> update on 1,4,16,64,256 second intervals and abandoning the
> lock file that is the .swp file. DropBox has solved the SYNC
> problem. Please embrace it and make DropBox and VIM work as
> people WANT, not as developer's expect.

While I suspect that's not what most vim users want, vim does
already supply the ability to live dangerously without a net if
you want. You can tweak the following options:

:help 'updatetime'
:h 'updatecount'
:h 'swapfile'
:h CursorHold

So you can instruct vim to auto-save the swap-file every N
seconds, every M keystrokes, or to not write a swap-file at all.
This does open you to the possibility of writing data you
*don't* want. You can see an example at

Another alternative: I know a number of folks on the list
(myself included) who use vim within a session of "screen" so we
can reattach not just a running session of vim, but any console
applications from anywhere we have a SSH (or telnet, yuck)
connection to our boxes. Not quite the same, but a very powerful
tool to have in your arsenal.

As an aside, I'm not sure if English is your first language, but
your demanding "make vim work how I want, not how you want, even
though it's a rare edge-case" tone doesn't win you any points.


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