Friday, January 28, 2011

Re: Starting out with VIM and C++

":syntax on" will turn on syntax coloring/highlighting. You can put that
in your .vimrc to turn it on automatically when you start Vim. That's
all you really need to do, as Vim comes with syntax definitions for most
languages, including C++. Further customizations to make you more
productive in Vim are really up to you. There are a lot of plugins
available which you may or may not find helpful, it's just a matter of
personal preference. Part of learning Vim is figuring out what sort of
customizations work best for you.

As far as a compiler is concerned, G++ is by far the most commonly used,
at least on Linux and Mac. G++ is part of GCC, the GNU Compiler
Collection. If you're on Windows, then you can get GCC via Cygwin, use
MinGW (a Windows-native port of the GNU toolchain), or just use
Microsoft's compiler instead (MSVC). I don't know for sure, since I am
not much of a Windows user or developer, but MSVC may be difficult to
use in conjunction with Vim, as it seems to be tied pretty closely with
Visual Studio, which has its own built-in editor.

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