Friday, January 28, 2011

Re: Remapping CTRL-I to

On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 03:14:36PM EST, Tim Chase wrote:
> On 01/28/2011 12:14 PM, Chris Jones wrote:

>> In my environment, this causes the<Alt+I> combo to send<Esc> to
>> Vim.. and it looks like it might work with no side effects -- I first
>> checked in insert mode that<Alt+I> did not do anything that I could
>> see and I don't remember ever using it for anything else (?).
> The only catch is that (depending on your encoding and other stellar
> alignments) some alt+letter combinations produce various accented
> & ASCII characters >128.

Sounds promising.. Straight US-ASCII boy that I am.. this shouldn't be
a problem. Matter of fact, the first thing I do to an XTerm is make sure
the 8th bit is disabled, so I can use Alt+. in the shell to retrieve the
last word of the previous command.

As in:

| $ mkdir foofoofoobarbarbar
| $ cd Alt+. # gives me: cd foofoofoobarbarbar etc.

I use this all the time.

> If you type those characters intentionally (which it sounds like you
> don't), it may interfere. Otherwise, they should be safe to use (as
> mentioned in a sibling reply, they're case-sensitive).

I usually enter such characters either via the compose key, level three
mappings accessed by pressign the Winkeys, or occasionally Vim digraphs.



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