Friday, January 28, 2011

Re: Scrolling screen lines, I knew, it's impossible.

Ben Schmidt wrote:

> On 27/01/11 3:38 AM, oCameLo wrote:
> > There's so many questions and feature requests about use mouse to
> > scroll screen lines, but until now, it's still impossible.
> Bram, you're not opposed to this kind of feature, are you? So if I did
> some work on it, it could be included in Vim at some stage, right?

This is a change that has a high probablity of introducing new bugs.

There are also a few questions about how to allow the user to access
this, with an option setting or with different scroll commands?
Probably a setting, so that it can work with scrollbars.

If you feel lonely, try schizophrenia.

/// Bram Moolenaar -- -- \\\
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