Monday, January 31, 2011

Re: MkVimball doesn't work on windows

On Tue, February 1, 2011 4:59 am, Cesar Romani wrote:
> I'm using gvim 7.3.107 on Win XP with vimball v32c
> If I have the following file:
> --------------------
> autoload\dbext.vim
> autoload\dbext_dbi.vim
> doc\dbext.txt
> doc\dbext_gpl.dat
> plugin\dbext.vim
> --------------------
> and do %MkVimball! dbext
> I'm getting:
> ***vimball*** unable to read file<autoload\dbext.vim>
> but if I do gf I can read the file!
> I changed \ to / but the result is the same.
> Many thanks in advance,

What is the working directory when you edit the vimball file?
And where are your files located?

I assume, that your autoload\dbext.vim file does not exist inside your
.vim directory (as the documentation says)?

In that case, try explicitly mentioning the path where the autoload/
directory exists:
:%MkVimball! dbext .

(in this case your files autoload/... files are in the current directory).


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