Saturday, January 29, 2011

Re: How do the default key commands work

Marco <> [11-01-30 01:55]:
> Hi,
> I have some basic questions about how things work in vim.
> Is it true that every key command executes a function? Say the key command »%«
> performed on a bracket jumps to the matching closing bracket. Is there a
> function defined like MatchBracket()? If this is true, how can I see which key
> command executes which function?
> Regards
> Marco
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Hi Marco,

for those keys, for which is true, that they are mapped to a function
call try using


after entering that press <RETURN> and you will get a list of
mappings. From left to right he columns listed are show the mode
for which the particular mapping is valid, then the key or combination
of keys and last but not least the name of the function which get

HTH! :)

Best regards

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