Friday, January 28, 2011

Re: Remapping CTRL-I to

On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 12:52:55AM EST, Ben Schmidt wrote:
> On 28/01/11 3:56 PM, Chris Jones wrote:

>> Is it possible to remap CTRL-I to 'Escape' in insert mode without
>> remapping<Tab> at the same time?
>> I normally use CTRL+[ because the Escape key on my laptop is
>> impossible to reach but even that is not really comfortable.
> No, this isn't currently possible with Vim.
> I don't think it will ever be possible with terminal Vim.

Thanks. A quick test showed me that the CTRL-I = <Tab> equivalence is
indeed 'inherited' from the underlying XTerm. So this is probably where
I should start looking.

> But one day it might be possible with gVim,

Me.. 'gVim'.. that'll be the day.. :-)

> if the keyboard code gets a thorough
> reworking. It probably won't happen any time soon.


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