Friday, January 28, 2011

Re: Show method name in gutter

On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 02:25, Ovid <> wrote:
> This looks like it would be a great start, but I'm working with some large files
> and it's grinding my vim to a halt when I switch buffers. I might have to go
> with a lightweight, but less correct option.

Yeah. I see several problems that I don't know how to fix.

The first is, the function has to load each line and add them to a
string. I haven't found a way of just slurping the entire file in.

The second is, the code has to be reparsed on every update.

Finally, it has to do this *every* time the statusline is updated,
whether or not the buffer has been changed.

So, I need to figure out how to:

o load the contents of the file faster
o how to have a variable for each buffer so it doesn't need to be
reloaded all the time
o figure out how often to actually rescan and reparse the file
Alan Young

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