Friday, January 28, 2011

Re: Starting out with VIM and C++

> I just started an introductory course on C++, and I would like to take the
> time to use VIM as an IDE. What do I need to do to get colored syntax and
> make it more usable for C++ programming?

Hey Nick,

If you are relatively new to vim, I suggest that you start using the
inbuilt help (:help) as much as possible.

There a couple of plugins that might make writing code a lot easier:
1. Nerd Tree
2. Nerd Commenter
3. Matchit
4. Surround.vim
5. Syntastic
6. Pyclewn

(google for them, or search on vim's site)

I have not used pyclewn myself; I am mostly into Ruby. It might be
advantageous for you considering you are doing C++.

P.S. : Have a look at Bram's article called "Seven Habbits of
Effective Text Editing" [1] if you have some time.


Anurag Priyam

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