Thursday, June 30, 2011

Re: How ctags search outside current directory

On Jun 29, 9:52 pm, 何聪辉 <> wrote:
> Hello, I'm using vim to read some project source codes, but  some problem
> using ctags come to me. If my directory hierarchy is somewhat like that:
> ---src
>     |-----thread
>              |-----------Tiger
>     |------device
> If I am in /src/thread/ and type *ctags -R , *then I can jump to function
> that in both the current directory and the directory named Tiger, but I
> cann't read functions that are in /src/device. That's my problem.
> If I am in the root directory, say, /src/, then type ctags -R, then switch
> to /src/thread, and use C-] try to jump to the function in /src/device, it
> pop the message: file *device/timer.c* does not exist. the file timer.c is
> where my jumped function stays.
> I want to jump to any functions with /src/, but how to realize it? can you
> give me a hand?

I've never had any problems when using ctags -R. Currently I use:

ctags -R --extra=+f --fields=+SK-k --totals .

And my 'tags' option is set to:


But, I just discovered that I normally build tags using a command
defined in my .vimrc, which uses getcwd(), which always seems to
return an absolute path. So that's probably why it works for me.

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