Thursday, June 30, 2011

Re: Passing Env Variables to Grep(as intended folders) search does not work under win32?

On 30 June 2011 13:54, kuru wrote:
> I am trying to use this format to search certain folders that are
> designed within the variable
> This line
> ":grep -i random $INCLUDES/*"
> nor this line works
> ":!grep -i random $INCLUDES/*"
> but this line inside Cygwin shell works(Mintty in this case)
> "grep -i random $INCLUDES/*"
> Windows User env variable
> INCLUDES=c:\mingw\includes

Are you using Cygwin grep? If so, does it work from the shell? Are
you using Cygwin vim or Windows (g)vim? What does 'echo $INCLUDES'
show in the Cygwin shell? Generally if you are in a Cygwin
environment you should be using unix paths, not Windows paths.



Chris Sutcliffe

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