Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Re: newbie put question


I tried the Ctrl-R while in insert mode. (I generally use "+gP to put stuff yanked from another program, so i tried to put the contents of that register.) But no luck. I'll try this at work as well, and look more into the help messages.

Any other help or suggestions is greatly appreciated.



On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 05:03:59PM -0500, Tim Chase wrote:
> On 06/27/2011 04:11 PM, russurquhart1@verizon.net wrote:
>> I know that when i yank LINES, the put command (p or P) will
>> put those lines before or after the line the cursor is on.
>> When i select something less than a line, it puts it before or
>> after the current position. My question, is there a way to
>> select several LINES and put those before or after the current
>> cursor position, NOT before or after the current line?
> While there may be other ways, the first that comes to my mind is to go
> into insert-mode (using "i" or "a" to position the cursor where you want
> it) and then paste the register-contents using control-R followed by the
> register-name (use the double-quote to use the default/scratch register).
> :help i_CTRL-R
> You may also want to read the following bits about CTRL-R submodes
> (":help i_CTRL-R_CTRL-R", ":help i_CTRL-R_CTRL-O", and ":help
> i_CTRL-R_CTRL-P") regarding how indentation behaves.
> -tim
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