different kind of strings that can be defined.
i'm writing a syntax file and want to be able to highlight strings in
a regular manner except when they start with a letter, i.e. i want
everything that is quoted to be highlighted as a regular string but i
want the letters i,x and b that stand in front of the quotation marks
to be highlighted with a different color.
right now i have the following code for the strings:
syn region myRegularString start=/"/ end=/"/
syn region myByteString start=/b"/ end=/"/
syn region myHexString start=/x"/ end=/"/
syn region myOtherString start=/i"/ end=/"/
hi def link myRegularString myString
hi def link myByteString myString
hi def link myHexString myString
hi def link myOtherString myString
hi def link myString string
any ideas on how to improve it to achieve the goal stated above is
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