Saturday, June 25, 2011

Re: Command to ingnore spelling of a word

Am 25.06.2011 17:53, schrieb Eric Weir:
> In McVim, when spell checking is on, and the cursor is on a word
> identified as misspelled, a right click brings up a context menu, one
> option of which is to ignore the word. I was hoping there would be a
> key-combination command equivalent for this option, but judging form
> :help spell there doesn't seem to be one.
> Just wanted to check to make sure that is right, and to see if, as I
> suspect is unlikely, there is an undocumented command equivalent.
> Eric Weir
> Decatur, GA USA

Here on winxp I get that menu too.

And the command is :spellgood! (for the cmdline) or zG for Normal
:h zG

Actually it works a bit different, it doesn't ignore a word forever,
rather regards it a good word for the session.

How I found out: After right clicking and escaping from the menu,
:menu popup<Tab>ignore<Tab><Enter>
(probably needs 'ignorecase' set) shows the contents of that menu entry.


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