Sunday, June 26, 2011

Re: Conditionally generated templates

> > With mu-template, you'll need a template-file named
> > ~/.vim/after/template/php.vim that contains
> For comparison, here is Luc's template converted to tskeleton:

Thanks - this works perfectly and I've used it as a base for
learning / developing new tskeletons.

However couple of annoyances I'd be grateful if you could give me some
pointers on:

I went down the method of saving these as "bits" and using
TSkeletonBit C (using C for controllers and M for models). When I
first do

vim projects_controller.php

Error detected while processing function tskeleton#Setup:
line 10:
Unknown skeleton: php.php

Which duly disappears and I get an clean buffer.

I did manage to figure another error I was getting as I guess the file
has to be saved before I can use my TSkeletonBit



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