Sunday, June 26, 2011

Re: "Extending" syntax files / overriding keyword with match

On Sat, 25 Jun 2011, bendavis78 wrote:

> Hi, I'm extending the css.vim syntax file for use with a CSS framework
> using "runtime! syntax/css.vim".

You probably don't want the '!' there. That will run all syntax/css.vim
files found in 'runtimepath'. The only reason another syntax/css.vim should be
present in &rtp would be to override a system syntax/css.vim.

> I've got it mostly working, but I need override some defined group
> names that are defined as keywords, and change them to use match. For
> example, if the following was in the base syntax file:
> syn keyword fooGroup foo bar baz
> and I want to override it as:
> syn match fooGroup /somepattern/
> Is there a way to "unset" a group name as if it were never defined?

syn clear fooGroup

:help :syn-clear

> Or is there at least a way to give match precedence over the keyword
> for that group name?

I don't see the problem in your example. In the actual situation, are
the two 'fooGroup's different?

Ben H

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