I want to comment ft=vim files using ECcommentOpen = '" ' instead of default '"' and I've try to edit EnhancedCommentify.vim with this:
> elseif fileType =~ '^\(vim\|abel\)$'
> let b:ECcommentOpen = '" '
> let b:ECcommentClose = ''
Full version of plugin is there - http://gist.github.com/598053. But
changes seem to be ignored and comments are still start with just '"'. I
already tested plugin by adding another section with 'foo' filetype and
it works. Plugin is stored in my ~/.vim/plugin and no other (global at
/usr/share/...) version is installed, commentify feature is disabled
when i move this plugin out of my ~/.vim/plugin, so I'm sure that
exactly this version is providing commentify feature. How can i solve
this problem with setting bad 'b:ECcommentOpen' for vim filetype?
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