I got it working now, I just add suppor for my folding function for
Python to use foldnestmax option.
2010/9/21 ZyX <zyx.vim@gmail.com>:
> Ответ на сообщение «Folding depth»,
> присланное в 22:57:10 21 сентября 2010, Вторник,
> отправитель Pablo Giménez:
> You said `no matter the folding methods I use', so you have probably discovered
> `foldnestmax' option. I think that for any method it is possible only with the
> custom script. The attached script partially does the thing (it opens all folds
> with foldlevel>3), but it has at least one bug: sometimes it opens fold under
> cursor. You will also have to remap some of `z?' normal commands, foldlevel()
> function will be helpful.
> Текст сообщения:
>> Hi vimers.
>> Is there any way to limit the depth for folding.
>> I mean if I don't want folders to be created for more than 3 levels of
>> folding is it possible to specify it so no matter the folding methos I
>> use the depth will be limited to a certain amount?
>> thanks
Un saludo
Best Regards
Pablo Giménez
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