Sunday, September 26, 2010

Re: visual_studio.vim help?

On Sun, 26 Sep 2010, Tony Miller wrote:

> Has anyone here gotten the visual_studio.vim plugin to work? I'm
> trying to use it with VisualStudio 2008 Express.
> I tried clicking on "refresh" under projects and I get:
> Retrieving projects...
> Cannot access VisualStudio. Not running?
> No projects found
> I do in fact have visual studio running, with a project open.
> Any ideas?

The 'Express' versions of Visual Studio don't support Visual Studio
plugins. It wouldn't surprise me to find that lack of VS plugin support
might also prevent external programs from accessing what they would need
to access.

The script page for visual_studio.vim (I assume this is what
you're using: ) says
that the last release was in 2007. Perhaps the Express version of 2008
hadn't even been released?

It also appears to require a fairly old version of Python (2.4), and
states that the version should be the same as the version Vim was built
with. Recent Windows Vims are built with support for 2.6 and/or 3.0.
Maybe there are Python compatibility problems.


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