Monday, September 27, 2010

Re: CTRL-???

On 09/27/10 13:47, wrote:
> Now CTRL-A end CTRL-E in input are no longer working.
> :<CTRL-A>
> give me a long list of functions(?) or somthing
> and
> :<CTRL-E> give me the opposite of that: The sound of silence
> or with other words: Nothing.

The first one is an expected behavior detailed at

:help c_CTRL-A

The latter should still work (ctrl+E should behave the same as
<end>) so if your cursor is in the middle of a command:


with the cursor on "f", pressing ctrl+E should take you to the
end of the input. I suspect you had/want a mapping something like

:cnoremap <c-a> <home>


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